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One piece of Tonex ONE can get you up to 20 different sound effect.
官方代理 本地保用
Whatsapp 以下資料到 Yutron
- 貴客稱號
- 產品型號
- 購買店名
- 購買日期
- 附上機印收據圖片 (解說-下面條款第4,5,6項)
- 敘述壞機情況及周邊配備 -
852FB 順豐營業點
姓名: Yutron
WhatsApp: 5648 9441 -
寄出後請把順豐收據圖像 whatsapp 回覆.
- 所有
- iKMultimedia 產品保用期12個月.
- Zoom 產品保用期為零件6個月,人工3個月 -
MegaSale, CrazySale則提供14日
不設經銷商代收代送, 請勿交予經銷商, 不提供保用
Yutron 直購只須報讀 Order No. 及 WhatsApp No.
火牛, 停產型號, 電池, 又或禮遇贈品, 電線, 插頭, 插座, 支架, 夾, 配件等非電子物品, 或非SHOP內產品,均不在保用之列.
人為損壞或拆開, 保用失效
接駁非原廠火牛引至失靈, 保用失效
Authorized Distributor Local Warranty
Whatsapp the below info to Yutron:
- your name
- product model number
- purchase shop name
- date of purchase
- machine imprinted receipt image (see below terms and conditions 4,5&6)
- brief your fault found -
Wait for reply confirmation.
Courier your Return Address, Product, and the Relevant accessories Freight Prepaid by SF Express to:
852FB SF Business Station
Room 12, 13/F, Block B, New Trade Plaza,
6 On Ping Street, Sha Tin
Attention: Yutron
Phone: 5648 9441 -
Whatsapp the image of the Tracking Number
Applying for the warranty / repair means that you have already read and accept below terms and conditions.
Terms and Conditions:
From day one since your purchase of the product, Courier-In-Repair Service will be arranged by SF Express.
- iKMultimedia products have 12-month warranty
- Zoom brand products have 6-month free parts, 3-month free labor. - Sold under MegaSale or CrazySale will have 14day Courier-In Warranty.
- Only Original Machine Imprinted Purchase Receipt be acceptable otherwise warranty will NOT be entertained.
- Do not send it to Resellers. Warranty will NOT be provided.
- Just quote your order number and WhatsApp number if you were Direct purchased from Yutron.
- Power Adaptor, Discontinued models, Batteries, Cables, Rack, Clip, Accessories, Giveaway, Courtesy and/or those of Non-Electronic items, or models not shown in SHOP will have NO warranty.
- Lose warranty by abuse, or unauthorized dismantled
- Lose warranty if connected with FOREIGN Power Adaptor resulted in faulty.
- Courier-In-Repair Service to Yutron by Freight Prepaid.
- Courier-Return to Customer by Freight Collect.
- Freight Collect to Yutron will be rejected.
- Fix / Repair Service takes 7-working days approximately in general if spare parts are available.
- Yutron will handle the service item carefully but will not check or remind the owner or be responsible for any scratches, cracks, or damages.
- Parallel import products will NOT be entertained.
- Sending back the service product means you understand and accept all the terms and conditions.